Planters For Deck Full Sun


Planters For Deck Full Sun

pin amanda dolan yard porch plants

pin amanda dolan yard porch plants Source: website

colorful full sun planters google search window box

colorful full sun planters google search window box Source: website

heat tolerant container gardens sweltering summers

heat tolerant container gardens sweltering summers Source: website

Full Sun Planter Ideas – Containers that Will Last All Season

Best Containers for Full Sun Planters I like to plant in large containers. Typically fiberglass and plastic these days, because the industry is producing really pretty ones for today’s market. They hold up well, are easy to move, and help retain water longer so that you don’t need to get out the watering can or hose every day. Read more…

The Best 15 Heat-Tolerant Plants for Decks and Patios …

In full bloom, a good-size angel's trumpet is absolutely arresting. The hanging flowers are indeed trumpet-shape and can reach more than 1 foot long, depending on variety. The blooms release a pleasant fragrance after sunset. If you have pets or children, be sure to keep these plants out of reach—all parts are poisonous if ingested. Read more…

8 Best Flowering Container Garden Plants for Sunny Areas

Verbena is a great container garden plant for the sun because it will flower all summer long and even into the fall. As a bonus, verbenas are great for attracting butterflies. These profuse bloomers are extremely forgiving and come in a wide range of colors. They are drought tolerant and only need an average amount of water. Read more…
