Chimnea Planter Flower


Chimnea Planter Flower

painted chiminea planter crafty chica

painted chiminea planter crafty chica Source: website


chiminea Source: website

repurposed rusted chiminea pretty colorful

repurposed rusted chiminea pretty colorful Source: website

How to Make a Chiminea Planter | Home Guides | SF Gate

The wide, open mouth and tall chimney of a chiminea can add a distinctive Old-World look to your garden. It's versatile enough to be used on a small patio, as part of a larger focal point in your… Read more…

How to Use an Old Chiminea as a Flower Planter

In the bottom of the Chiminea we used two plastic flower pots and turned them on their sides. Each one has several "trailing" type of flowers inside it. We also placed some river rocks into our base which helps to keep the flower pots (turned on their sides) from rolling around. Read more…

How to Make a Chiminea Planter | eHow

Chimineas are clay outdoor fireplaces that look both natural and rustic. One of the best attributes of chimineas is that many change color after they are used a few times. If you no longer have the need to use your chiminea to contain fires, consider using it as a planter. Turning your former fire vessel into a natural-looking planter is easy to do. Read more…


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