Low Light Outdoor Planter Ideas


Low Light Outdoor Planter Ideas

inspirations light outdoor plants

inspirations light outdoor plants Source: website

mein kleiner krautergarten home container herb garden

mein kleiner krautergarten home container herb garden Source: website

mix foliage flowers light areas landscaping

mix foliage flowers light areas landscaping Source: website

17 Low Light Outdoor Plants that Thrive Even in the Shade

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa): Veggies that Thrive in Low Light Conditions. If you are looking for vegetables that like shade, then lettuce is just what you need. Most of the leafy greens you toss in your salad do quite well in low light. Plants like bok choy, spinach, and arugula all need around three hours of sunlight to thrive. Read more…

10 Low Light Outdoor Plants To Grow In Your Backyard – The …

Low growing plant that has light green foliage and fiddle-heads in shade of red. One of the most prized low light plants, Lady ferns (Athyrium filix-femina) are often found growing in-between taller shrubs and trees in shady woodland areas. Lady fern will quickly reach its mature size of 2 feet tall and equally as wide. Read more…

Shade Plants – 20 Plants That Don't Need Sun – Bob Vila

Known commonly as lungwort, pulmonaria has a reputation for being one of the easiest, low-light perennial plants for shade. Growing 6 to 12 inches tall, and blooming in blues, pinks, and whites, it… Read more…
